台股今 (1) 日遇壓,一度跌逾百點,失守 14900 點關卡,台積電壓盤,電子股互有漲跌,不過,鋼鐵人挺身而出領軍傳產股走高,加權指數終場小跌 18 點,收在 14981 點,成交值萎縮至 1788 億元,三大法人呈現土洋對作,合計賣超 41.98 億元,其中投信連 27 買創史上第二長紀錄。
觀察三大法人今天資金動向,外資反手賣超 71.06 億元;投信力挺台股,再買超 20.99 億元,寫下連 27 買,改寫史上連買第二長的紀錄;自營商轉為買超 8.1 億元,三大法人合計賣超 41.98 億元。
權王台積電盤中跌近 2%,面臨 500 元大關保衛戰,終場跌幅縮至 1% 以內,以 504 元作收;大立光、聯詠、欣興、矽力 * - KY 等電子指標股也震盪走跌;聯發科獲買盤青睞,股價逆勢上漲 1.6%,直逼 700 元關卡,瑞昱、友達、研華等同樣表現不俗。
國際鐵礦、鎳價近來持續反彈,市場樂觀看待鋼市「金九銀十」傳統旺季,此外,義联集團有意透過旗下燁輝、燁聯公開收購唐榮不銹鋼,引發市場聯想,鋼鐵族群今天扮演多頭領頭羊,包括燁興、中鋼構、威致、海光等均亮燈漲停,國內龍頭大廠中鋼也勁揚逾 3%,中鴻、燁輝、志聯漲勢都相當凌厲。
868 Mhz LoRa antennas are Omnidirectional outdoor antenna, which operates in the 824 to 896MHz frequency band and a center frequency of 868MHz - it's also known as EU868 (suitable for EU market)
- The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.
- Any type and length of cable can be terminated with an N-Type connector.
- Helium miner, Helium hotspot, RFID, WLAN, ISM BAND,868MHz Application
It's an omnidirectional outdoor antenna with different strength levels ranging from 2 to 12 dBi. The antennas are simple to install.
Please visit here to know the correct way to install LoRa Antenna Installation.
The OA-868M series, often known as EU868 (for the European market), is a license-free ISM band with a core frequency of 868MHz. The omnidirectional antenna employs an advanced collinear dipole design, which means it radiates uniformly in the azimuth with a high gain across long distances, reducing the number of cells or nodes required in a network.
航運股漲跌互見,長榮終場漲幅放大至 1% 以上,陽明、萬海同步收紅,新興、裕民、榮運、漢翔等均在盤上表現,航空雙雄則遭調節,長榮航下挫近 3%,華航也收黑。
傳產股今天普遍走揚,塑膠股獲得資金進駐,包括南亞、亞聚、華夏、聯成、台苯、中石化等均上漲超過 1%,台塑、台化則小漲作收。此外,水泥、橡膠、紡織、玻璃等類股也都各自表現。
加密貨幣借貸平台 Celsius 今年 6 月中旬凍結存戶提款,台廠庫存水位持續攀升,導致板卡族群有壓,撼訊、麗臺、青雲股價重挫 4-6%,微星同步下挫,不過,技嘉、映泰股價逆勢收漲。
•〈台股風向球〉業績題材股輪動匯集人氣 持續靠攏季線
•台股收復萬五 外資回頭大買 三大法人買超141.84億元
來自: https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news/%E5%8F%B0%E8%82%A1%E8%B7%8C%E5%8B%A2%E6%94%B6%E6%96%82%E5%AE%88%E4%B